Launching a Blueprint launches a specific copy of an application. We have Blueprints that match the types of servers that you need. By launching a Blueprint, you launch an AWS image to your exact specifications. You may use this functionality to launch identical servers to your environment(s)
What you will need:
You need to know what type of server or network device you need
You need to know what AWS region you want to place this in
You need to know the region subnet you would like to place this in
You need to know the type of server you would like to load this onto
You need to know which account this server should fall under
Launching a blueprint is done in 2 steps -
- To launch a blueprint, the blueprint has to be added to at least one project. You can add blueprint to an existing project or a new project while creating.
- Deploy the blueprint to create an environment
Adding Blueprint while creating project-
- Navigate to Projects -> Click on Create new Project button.
- In the create projects screen, enter basic details and click next.
- In Services page, Search for the services you are looking for and select the services. You can select one or more services. If you don't find a service that fulfills your requirement, you can request for a custom service as well.
- In the Accounts screen, select the account where you want the blueprint to be launched.
- Review the details and click on Create Project.
- Once the project is created, open the project.
7. The Blueprints added to the Project are available under Services offered section. User can click on Launch button associated with the Blueprint to
Adding Blueprint into an Existing Project-
- Navigate to Projects and open the project where you want to add the blueprint.
- Click on Settings icon.
- Select Services from left navigation. Click on Manage Services button and select the services.
Deploying a Blueprint-
Choose your Blueprint – You can “Search Blueprints” or select from the catalog or from the services offered by section under a project → Select Deploy
Select Launch configuration if there are any created for the project.
Select your Target Account – If your account is not listed, you can connect it via: +Connect Account
Select your Region → Click Next
Prerequisites – This will check your permissions. If you don’t have them, MontyCloud will apply the appropriate permissions to your account → Click Next
Configure – Enter all of the details for your server
- Application Name – Enter the name of your Application
Environment – Choose which environment this is in (dev, prod, test, etc..)
Primary Key – Choose your PKS key. This is your Encryption Key
Choose any other options you may need. Click inside the boxes for a selection boxes
Click Next
- Application Name – Enter the name of your Application
- Choose your Notification Type
- To Enable - Toggle the button if you want to Enable Notifications. (Default is Disable Notification) → Click “Add Notification” → Select (Slack or AWS SNS) → Enter your details → Click Add → Click Next
To Disable (Default) Notifications – Make sure the toggle button is set to Disable. → Click Next
- To Enable - Toggle the button if you want to Enable Notifications. (Default is Disable Notification) → Click “Add Notification” → Select (Slack or AWS SNS) → Enter your details → Click Add → Click Next
- Review the details → If it is OK Click “Deploy”