There may come a time when an administrator of the MontyCloud DAY2™ platform needs to revoke or delete a user's access. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as a user leaving the organization or a change in their job responsibilities. Whatever the reason may be, it's important for administrators to know how to properly revoke or delete a user's access to ensure the security and integrity of their cloud environment.
Steps to delete a user:
1. Log in to the DAY2 platform.
2. Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner on the left.
3. Click on "Users" from the menu.
4. Click on "create user" if you want to invite a new user.
5. Ensure that there are at-least two users in an Account. Select an User from the list.
6. For the highlighted user , click on delete icon at the right
7. Click on the button "Delete User."
8. If the deletion of the user was successful, a green banner appears at the bottom right.