If you are a newly signed up user connecting your first AWS account, the system will walk you through the self explanatory guide to onboarding the AWS account. Otherwise, you can connect to an AWS account through Admin Settings.

Choose your Feature

1. Login to the DAY2™ Platform.

2. If you signed up for the DAY2™ Platform, as a first step, you will be asked to choose the features.

3. Select your permission model before you onboard your AWS account.

DAY2™ platform gives users the option to choose between two different permission models. BASIC and ADVANCED.

Connecting your first AWS Account

4. In the Connect Accounts page, select the cloud provider as AWS and click Next.

Note: Make sure you are logged in to your AWS account in the same browser where you have logged into the DAY2™ Platform .

5. And then click on "Connect."

6. This will open your AWS console's CloudFormation Stack creation page. The objective of the onboarding stack is to seek minimum permissions for MontyCloud's DAY2™ Platform  to interact with your AWS account.

Please follow the below steps to complete stack execution:

  1. Provide Stack name and acknowledge the stack.
  2. Click on create stack

Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

7. Redirect back to the DAY2™ Platform and wait for some time until you get confirmation saying your AWS account is connected.

8. Once the account is successfully connected, select the regions you need to onboard.

Note: You can always edit regions under Settings > Accounts.

9. As a next step, you will be asked to enable the cost explorer in MontyCloud DAY2™ Platform for cost visibility.

10. In the next step, you can create a project or click on Next if you want to create a project later.

11. Invite other admins or project users to the platform, as shown in the next step below.

12. Once the account is connected successfully, you can view account details under Settings > Accounts.

Connecting subsequent AWS Account

1. Login to the DAY2 Platform.

2. Navigate to the Settings > Accounts page.

3. Click on "Connect Account." Follow the steps that lead to stack creation on the AWS console and execute the stack as described in Connecting your first AWS Account.